Derivation of Least Square
April 21, 2022
Least square problem solve the following equation:
$$ argmin_x |Ax-y|_2^2 $$
It can be solve in closed-form by the following equation:
$$ \hat{x} = (A^TA)^{-1}A^Ty $$
Derivation #
The objective can be unfolded via:
$$ |Ax-y|_2^2 = (Ax-y)^T(Ax-y) = x^TA^TAx - x^TA^Ty -y^TAx +y^Ty $$
Take the derivative of the objective with respect to x, we have:
$$ \frac{\partial |Ax-y|_2^2}{\partial x} = 2A^TAx - 2A^Ty $$
The minimum can be founded through setting the derivative to zero, then we have:
$$ A^TAx - A^Ty = 0 \Rightarrow A^TAx = A^Ty $$
$$ x = (A^TA)^{-1}A^Ty $$
The derviation of the above derivatives relies on the following equations:
$$ \frac{\partial x^Tb}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial b^Tx}{\partial x} = b $$ This is obvious by looking at the scalar form of $x^Tb$.
$$ \frac{\partial x^TAx}{\partial x} = (A+A^T)x $$
The detailed derivation of this equality can be founded in stackexchange.